Emmy is so tired of having her picture taken. But we love Lake Michigan!

Emmy is so tired of having her picture taken. But we love Lake Michigan!

“When I return, I hope to be a completely changed human being.” - Michael Scott


I’d love to write some poetic story about my relationship with nature, but I can’t write that well and it’s not always pretty. Getting outside, into the woods, is beautiful, serene, rewarding, and transformative, but it can also be physically demanding, hard to find, filled with pests, and exhausting.

However, my Adam, Emmy (the cute pup), and I do love almost every moment of it. In an effort to save the few pennies we had and stay active, we started hiking our way around the Midwest, branching out into other regions as time and funds allowed.

We’re based in Central Illinois, and though the main focus is on our home state, we go all over the place. Just because we enjoy it (and Adam has been teaching me video/photography), we’ve spent our trips documenting the sites and taking photos. We want to share in hopes that they get more people outside. As we grow our path around the U.S., our content will grow with it.


P.S. If you are visiting a specific part of Illinois or the Midwest, don’t hesitate to reach out through the website or social media. We’ve been to way more places than we’ve got on the site right now!

(Pictured below from left to right, Emmy Goebig, Jordan Goebig, and Adam Rahn)